Conversation Between Chashio and Ilanthar

15 Visitor Messages

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  1. Thanks for the rep and wonderful comments!
  2. Thanks for the rep Ilanthar. I'm glad you liked my little placeholder sketch. I might clean it up a bit at some point to use as an example piece but, unfortunately, it probably won't go any further than that.
  3. I did draw maps in my young age ... So quite a time ago. More recently, and before being capable to draw them directly with a mouse, I've drawn elements that I scanned for some maps posted here at the guild.
  4. Maybe lost for a little bit--takes some getting used to for everyone--but your doing that with a mouse is positively impressive and I really hope at some point you do get a tablet. Or do something on paper. Have you done any maps or illustrations on paper?
  5. Thanks a a lot! It's drawn with a mouse indeed. I think I would be lost with a tablet now .
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