Conversation Between Chashio and Mouse

48 Visitor Messages

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  1. Well deserved
  2. Thank you Mouse
  3. You're welcome
    I'll finish it sometime, yes.
  4. Thanks for the rep, Chashio

    I hope you are going to finish Marione!
  5. Thanks

    I know that boredom well. It is a love hate relationship for me.
  6. I have every faith in you to make it be the vision you have of it

    I keep moving around in style as well. I seem to get bored of doing the same thing again and again! The results are as variable as the styles
  7. Perfectionism, indecision and rendering-style frustration, and a bit of plain old exhaustion-grumpiness. Was woken from 3hrs sleep to clean up after a sick dog this morning, on top of staying up too late recently. Never good choice, that. Nope. [Shakes head.]

    I haven't uploaded a larger version. It's not so pretty when you zoom in, and I have a ton of work to do just to figure out the mess I made. I get muddled like that frequently, unfortunately, and have been trying to work out a better workflow so it doesn't happen so much. Related, I've been sketching in PS a lot recently with just a simple round brush and I think I have hit a limit on that particular digital feel. I'll figure it out probably.
  8. Yes - that made perfect sense, and I was touched when you drew it

    But... but... but....

    Oh Chashio! How can you say that about Marione? Its already gorgeous! LOL!
  9. I noticed that it looked more square and it was seamlessly done. I don't mind at all, you didn't need to, and I am touched that you did and that you like it so well. [hopefully that made sense.]

    I am having such troubles with my own challenge map. I think I've tried 6 different ways and so far am not satisfied.
  10. Made me laugh when you first drew it - I remember the context so it will always give me a chuckle And it is such a lovely free-spirited painting! I hope you don't mind, but I had to move your signature closer to the mouse, so that I could show both things large enough for people to see.

    I show my 'Chashio painting' with great pride

    That's very kind of you to be so kind about Malacandra. I have a terrible confession to make...

    I looked at it again this morning and I hate it now. Those purple trees are just horrible! LOL! I'm going to have to change the forest colour quite drastically before I'm happy with it again, but I will finish it
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