• Turambar

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    Hungary cape: I really liked that way the cape/arm turned out, but it needed something more. Hence the blue and green version with rivers.
    Hungary cape: I really liked that way the cape/arm turned out, but it needed something more. Hence the blue and green version with rivers. by Realmwright
    depthsentry 3000
    depthsentry 3000 by Mark Oliva
    jtougasaprilmaychallenge by jtougas
    Battle of Rutilant map 2 
a short set of directives jotted on the back of the battle plan, in the original symbolic language of the invaders
    Battle of Rutilant map 2 a short set of directives jotted on the back of the battle plan, in the original symbolic language of the invaders by Relic Kimah
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