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    Vintara Screenshot
    Vintara Screenshot by optimus_mush
    Aelflan. Would still like to add some colors for borders on this one. I'd actually like to redo this one on a copper plate.
    Aelflan. Would still like to add some colors for borders on this one. I'd actually like to redo this one on a copper plate. by Cuin
    A kingdom/country based in what is, essentially, a huge crater. Settlements in red. Trade routes in grey.
    A kingdom/country based in what is, essentially, a huge crater. Settlements in red. Trade routes in grey. by DEMurray
    Created as reference for our Virasana Empire novels.  
For more information, see here: https://virasanapedia.fandom.com/wiki/Agami
    Created as reference for our Virasana Empire novels. For more information, see here: https://virasanapedia.fandom.com/wiki/Agami by Brackhaus
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