I have a subscription to D&D Insider, which includes Monster Builder - where you with the use of a level slider can change any monster up and down in power - so it would be easy to make a low (or high) level orc. Of course this poses a different problem seing that 4e players expect an orc to have a certain level.
I'm definitly not against making 2 versions of the game, but it will take a lot more work since skill challenges and monster building is a lot different in 4e. Both Pathfinder/3.5 and 4e have a lot of players so the potential customers are out there... but I'll create a marketing thread for that discussion

Talking with the other CL's we have concensus that we should charge for the adventure, but we'll make a teaser for free of course. The money will go to the guild - and by that back to the users. ... we still have to set a price and all that, but lest see how big the scenario gets before we do that