Quote Originally Posted by industrygothica View Post
That being said, I am in love with the idea of having a generic description of an encounter in the general text, and then "Appendix A: 4e Statistics" and "Appendix B: Pathfinder Statistics." Stating in the general text how many of what creature would be a mistake, imo, just because 5 orcs in Pathfinder is a vastly different encounter than 5 orcs in 4e. But, "a band of axe-wielding orcs with at least one archer" would be perfectly acceptable. Again, my opinion.,
IG, that is EXACTLY what I was talking about, but I realize that I might not have escribed it properly. I also agree with your way of describing the encounter. I was trying to infer that only the NPCs, and not the monsters (which could be looked up in what ever manuals are required for each system) and any NEW monsters that we add to the mix. The Supplement that I refered to has stats in GURPS (I think),AD&D, Runequest, Chivalry and Sorcery and quite a few others I believe.