Quote Originally Posted by vorropohaiah View Post
i love how a little update from you is basically a finished map!

Quote Originally Posted by vorropohaiah View Post
i love how a little update from you is basically a finished map!

i like the subtle texture you have on the text - is there a texture layer on top of them or is the text opacity less than 100%?
I used to try a texture on text to give it a subtle distressed texture but most of the time I wasnt really satisfied with it. I tried something different (more efficient and easier to do) here, an inner glow:

Seferedh text effect.jpg

Obviously, size of the inner glow has to be set according to size text. Also the text opacity is 90%.
It works also on other elements, I used a similar effect on the border lines (mostly visible on the larger ones). Some pics for the comparison (without and with the effect) :
border1.jpg border2.jpg