Yeh I u derstand , but notsure. For the feather , to make an example.

I select a perfect square , apply rise , I get a perfect rised square.

I select aperfect square , I apply feather 1 , the angles of the square become rounded , apply rise , I get a rounded square ...

But what I meant is that if I apply rise I should get a distance inside the borders something like a shape going toward the circle the more I rise the blurr wffect and thus not touching the borders of the selection , but in Ft , the borders are co sidered and if I apply for example a smoo over an irregular area with a square selection and a relative strong. Smooth , the results are a very visible cut on the rough area selected that is though smoothed , but the borders are very clear regardless of the feathering.

Also when I paint climates , Is there a way to paint more roughly and not perfect circles? Is also possible to insert new types of biomes? Like subtypes of deserts for example etc ... This not only in painting but in generation.

Also how those climates get generated? I see that in areas where I would expect deserts I get none , also considering that there are no rivers , adding em would change anything?

Do u plan to add some erosive filters to future releases ? Those of world machine would project ft really more into the future .