Quote Originally Posted by waldronate View Post
It's certainly possible that the retail 32-bit version of FT has limits on the export. I don't recall. I just checked my internal build on Windows 7 64-bit and it seemed to generate a 10 000 wide by 5 000 high image without problem (it was slow, but you'd expect that).

As far as the step at the edge of the continental shelves go, did you try selecting an appropriate altitude range and blurring the result? Alternatively, select all land (altitude > 0), select>>modify>>expand the selection a bit to encompass the shelf area, then select all land again with a "subtract from selection" followed by a blur.
I have also W7 64. When I try to save 10 000 x 5 000 it says "Error 8 creating file. More than 1 650 000 000 bytes are needed to create and write the 10 000 x 5 000 file requested."
I have much more than 2 GO RAM and disk space available. This is annoying.

Yes I did. For the sheer drop from some - 400 to - 3000, repeated blur even with sigma 3 does nothing (e.g the drop stays). Substract from selection does nothing. But this is something I already wrote several thread pages ago - substract from selection and add to selection doesn't seem to work. The result obtained by using these options is exactly the same as Replace selection.
Isn't there a way to simply force the height field to be replaced by a linear (or other monotonous continuous function) ramp between Height min and Height max ?
Something like an S curve (or a half mound to get monotony) that connects on top to the max value of the selection and on the bottom to the min value ?

Regarding the river creation. As I said I followed your tutorial "Fun with Wilbur volume 1".
So I of course did the fill basin - noise - fill basin routine.
However I was sure that something was going wrong already after the first incise - what I obtained didn't look at all like your pictures on page 4. There where you were getting nice well defined deep and broad canyons, I was seeing practically no effect on my map. So I concluded that the settings you suggest at page 4 are probably dependent on the map size and mine being relatively big, these settings were inappropriate.
But as I couldn't experiment with other settings (every incise took some 5 minutes), I simply continued your tutorial untill the end just to verify that the end result will indeed be very different from yours.