I created a number of maps since my last posting here for my d&d group. some are rushed while some i have spent alot of hours on.

I will share them here for all to use, though it will be of alittle lower quality due to the upload size restrictions on this site, so if a higher quality image is requested i can probably sort it out somehow.

Hope you guys like them and feel free to add feedback if there is anything in particular that should be improved.

All of my maps are made specifically for my campaign and they are made for the purpose of filling them up with furniture and other such effects afterwards. my party likes to break kegs and flip tables so there is no point making them on the map itself hehe.

Both of these maps are part of a dungeon which was used by the servants and followers of Jergal. the gauntlet contains a series of tests, traps and challenges which requires strength, intellect and cunning.

It is all made to protect the reliquary and tomb of the high priest of Jergal.


Crypt of Jergal.png