Started an ant nest dungeon. Supposed to serve as the nest of some giant or humanoid ant-like creatures. The basic concept of the dungeon was based on real ant nests: entomologists create molds of the inside of an ant nest by pouring wax or some molten material in it. This gives them detailed information on the 3D structure of an ant nest.

I created a basic concept of an ant nest and now I will design "level-by-level" and put them in this map that is supposed to guide heroes inside of the entire nest.

I will use this thread to post updates on the entire nest design and if you guys want, part of the process also.

Designed the dungeon with Staedler Markers and Ink. Edited it in GIMP. The map scroll was also created in GIMP as a separate file.

Comments and critique are welcomed!


Ant Nest - Map Lvl 1.jpg