I got (3) Lizardman and (6) Dungeon/Catacomb/Sewer System...

I'm doing a small dungeon/sewer set beneath a small town. The locals started noticing the water had a foul taste and smell and was changing color and becoming thicker with the occasional string of dark purplish goop. Provisions were being made to shut down the well when someone saw scaly hands reach up and pull a youngster into the well. By the time anyone was able to get to the well there was nothing to see, the youngster was already gone. The adventurers are recruited to go cleanse the well of whatever foul beasties have corrupted the well, and to rescue the youngster.

I'll flesh this out a bit more later. I sketched out the rough-in last night and then re-sketched it in photoshop to post here. I'm not 100% certain whether I'm going to stick to a 2d map yet. We'll see. This may become a battlemap, a reference map, or perhaps something even more awesomer! We'll see.

### Latest WIP ###
