Greetings cartographers. A friend and I are in the process of creating an adventure for the Pathfinder system and are in need of some maps. Since my own skills are not up to task at the moment, we are interested in commissioning some professional work from this excellent community.

We are looking for maps of 3 different locations, all structures set to 5ft squares, likely adding up to a single page based on their size. A rough outline and room descriptions will be provided. The overall theme of the adventure is slightly gothic (though the structures themselves do not fall into that architectural style), so that ascetic is something to keep in mind for any text or superfluous illustrations that accompany the maps (i.e. room numbers, compass, ect.). The images should be in black and white/greyscale (similar to this).

This is a paid commission that is intended for use in a published work. We would prefer to have full rights to use the image for commercial purposes, though the artist is welcome to exhibit the image as part of their portfolio. I'm not experienced enough in commissioning maps to have a clear idea on what proper compensation should be. Details on payment methods and amount can be discussed via PM with me. Hopefully in the future I can be more precise up front. If you have a gallery on this site or elsewhere where I can view your work please include that in your response. Ideally, I'd like the work to be completed by the end of the year (2016).