Hi !

Back on hollydays... so... why not mapping again ?

I've probably no idea what I'm throwing myself in, but drawing a castle siege was pretty much my main occupation through high scool... So... I couldn't resist.

I won't fellow any style in particular... just draw the way I was used to : A3 paper, pencil and then black ink. It won't be professional at all, but I ate too much chocolate to feel any shame at that moment (it'll come later, when the sugar rate will go down... though it's the high chocolate season here... it won't go down for a while)

So, better throw myself in before I back up... Here's the first quick sketch...
I'll try to tell the story from left to right :
1) arrival on the beach, disembarkment
2) take the fortified bridge
3) cut some trees
4) build a camp and some siege machines
5) first attempt on the gate : failure
6) dig a mine under the walls
7) wall collapse. First defense down
8 ) sneak in the tower's toilets by night, open the main gate
9) castle is taken... the occupants try to flee by the sea
10) the fleet intercept the fugitives... (sad) end of the story

Here's what it could be in drawing :

### LATEST WIP ###

Castle siege.jpg