I realized that the anvil is a whole whopping 4 pixels on the WIP sized image and half antialiased pixels at that. So its hardly worth putting on the map in the first place. I am doing most of it as textures and then adding icons on top so you can see the difference in resolution between the two. Everything is dynamic in the map so I could up the background texture resolution too and I am sure it has a way to go before it pixellates out. But I am targetting my map at 2K square so not much point. The mismatch in styles of bitmap is somewhat jarring. This is where I am running out of puff in the race and have to say its all I got ! My ability multiplied by spare time is way less than whats needed to do maps as good as the best of em here. Vegetation is quite important I agree. I really dont like my trees at the mo. They were designed with RPGs in mind where if your character is under them then you can still see through them. Doesnt work at all in this map tho. Must get a ncie top down tree in leaf. Some palms might be good too.

Once I have done the whole map I ought to top down texture it onto the 3D map and just for giggles see what it looks like !