Hi Guild !

Let me show you the new big project I'm currently working on in my "known universes" serie I'm pleased to be involved on : commissionned map of Tamriel from the Elder Scrolls

Some informations just for you :
- A2 map (7016x4961px) (posted previews are 33% of the original size),
- Made in Photoshop,
- Terrain features should be "minimal" : no relief on coastline, grasslands pretty flat...
- Tons of illustrations (both towns and creatures) to add (30 to 50 I think ?),
- White dots are for upcoming minor locations,
- Circled stars will be illustrated towns.

I started the project a few weeks ago, so before I joined the Guild, but I kept a track on some previous steps :

Coastline, rivers, first colors and basic mountains shape with few details, just to lock the global shapes :

Advanced linework : outlined rivers, detailed mountains, forests shape, deserts and swamps added (+ roads, but those are probably just temporary) :

Added missing details, spare trees, first shading/hatching on mountains, filled forests with billions of tiny trees (and forgot one in the southern island ) :

Hope you enjoy !

(If you're an Elder Scrolls fan, dont hesitate to tell me if I missed something somewhere ! I would love to have the time for playing the games and collect informations there but... my client would not appreciate the extra delay I think ).