Hello Again,

I've been working on this map recently for a D&D Game that my players are going through. I was using a different map for the game up till now but my players have expressed an interest in starting a civil war inside one of the countries on the larger map. So this is basically a zoomed in, more detailed view, of the country that they could not see before. The original map that this is based off of and embellished from was made by MaximePlasse named Selestya. https://maximeplasse.deviantart.com/...stya-605159344

I'm working in the central country on that continent. My version includes several things that were not in the original, but I'll still be using the names in the original for the places that are on the original map. My hope is that I can do justice to the original in a new style.
To Do:
Province Borders
Minor Details
