Some of my friends have been trying to get me to draw a map of our college town before we graduate in the spring, so I began work on it last week. I've never actually finished a city map before, so this is very much a learning process for me.

I started by creating a simple border (that I may replace later) and a placeholder name. I took some screenshots from Google maps and stitched them together in Photoshop. I used this as my reference for where the roads and natural features go. I took many liberties with accuracy in this stage. I don't feel the need for this map to be true-to-life. I just want a nice illustration.

I drew in the roads and started sketching some of the natural environment. After finishing the roads, I realized that it would have been easier to use paths and strokes to get nice even roads, but I was already done. I guess I'll save that trick for next time. I'll probably spend some time cleaning up the roads to make them a bit more attractive a closer level, but that's work for later on.

### Latest WIP ###