Greetings from cloudy Pennsylvania!

I've been away from the site for a good while, and it's good to return with a couple new pieces!

So my sister got me a really cool present for Christmas this year: a sketchbook! Not just any ol' sketchbook, but one that will be archived in an art museum FOREVER! (by no means a solicitation) is just an awesome project that I think a lot of people here at the forums would really enjoy. You purchase the 5" x 7" (12.7cm x 17.78cm), 16 page sketchbook for a modest price, fill it up before the deadline (mine is due 3/30/19), and send it back for it to be archived both physically and digitally.

This has been compelling chance for me to elaborate on my style, while keeping it somewhat simple, and it has been much fun!

First entry, finished.

Second entry, finished.

Forgot the monikers, woops..

Feedback always welcome!