After a long time of just looking at all your wonderful maps and otherwise being quite inactive (I had a lot of stress at work and concentrated more on writing as I participated in the NaNoWriMo last year), I spontaneously decided to enter this challenge.

I always loved the Norwegian fairy tale Østenfor sol og vestenfor måne (East of the Sun and West of the Moon) and as journeys play an important role in it, it seemed perfect for the challenge. It tells the story of a poor girl which is kind of sold to a white bear. He takes her to his castle inside a mountain. At night he comes to her bed as a man, but as it is dark she can never see him. When she lights a candle to look at him, she finds out that he is a cursed prince. Now he is forced to return to his wicked stepmother who lives east of the sun and west of the moon to marry her daughter, a troll princess.
The girl then travels through the country to find him. She gets some help and advise from tree old women and then travels to the East Wind, the West Wind and the South Wind. The North Wind finally takes her to the troll castle, where she is able to free the prince.

I'm drawing the map on A4 paper but as I'm lazy I don't use quill and ink but a pen instead. The border and the four winds are more or less finished. The map itself is no more than a vague sketch at this point - I hope I can finish it in time!

### Latest WIP ###