Quote Originally Posted by Bogie View Post
The lighting is fantastic!
Thanks Bogie! I spent a fair deal of time on it, but I'm glad it's working!

Quote Originally Posted by ThomasR View Post
I've already said that there's a comics vibe coming from your maps and that's especially palpable with the little characters. I' love what you have here and I'd love to see you try a CMYK palette to reinforce the BD look
Thanks Thomas! I'm not actively trying to emulate that style, but I definitely read a ton of French and Belgian comics back in the day. I was absolutely fascinated by the adventures of "Spike & Suzy" (I just found out that's what they're called in English, even though we tend to call them "Suske & Wiske"!), and a fair amount of other comics as well. They must have trickled down from my kiddy years I guess!

Quote Originally Posted by XCali View Post
Stares in awe...

Magnificent. Wow.

(Only feedback, the white background is distracting.)

Still, you are legit.
Thanks XCali! The white background is there simply so client can afterwards plonk in whichever background they like. But I did experiment with a parchment version for a bit, as you can see below. Oh, and I added labels, and an actual title!!

Dungeon 1 (14).jpg