Hey guys, been a few years. I had previously worked with a Maxime Plasse who I met here. Here's the work he did for me:


Unfortunately I can't seem to get ahold of Max anymore, and it's time to release the sequel novel. I'm going to need a new map of a different continent, but I'd like it to be a very similar style to the work done for the first novel, insomuch as that is possible considering the artist change. I'll need this print and professional quality. The previous designs were 1800x2700 pixels, that seemed to be pretty much perfect for the book layout.

I was hoping to pay about $300 for this work, but I'm flexible on price. I also might be interested in paying extra for the copyright, if you can advise me what the difference there will be. I'll be paying via PayPal.

I don't currently have the full design brief or my own sketch ready, I need to go through my notes and gather that, I had just read on here that you can expect "up to a month" for responses, so I wanted to go ahead and plant the seed while I gather that information. I can say, though, that it will be very similar in nature to the "Itrius" map done by Max in that link above.

There are no major time constraints here, though I'd like to see the work finished within 3 months.

I can be reached privately at "abaddononion+map" at gmail dot com.