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Thread: A map of space

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  1. #1
    Guild Adept Facebook Connected Daelin's Avatar
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    Default A map of space


    I cannot speak for you guys, but occasionally, when I dabble with this nerdiest of hobbies of ours, I stop and ponder what it is I am truly creating in that moment. Most times, I come to the conclusion that that thing is not a map. It is supposed to be a map. But, it is not really a map. You certainly cannot navigate by it, though that is what maps are for, right - guiding you from A to B? But then, I am struck with a grand revelation: I do not make maps to help me, or anyone, find the way. I make maps to build worlds. To create places. Places that do not exist, except for in my imagination. To manifest those abstract places into concrete form.

    And so, behold, for I am the great Planet Maker:


    Okay, Jesus Christ, tone it down. What I was trying to convey with the above rambling is, my maps, and indeed most maps found on CG, are meant to satiate that urge we all have, of being transported to some fantastical realm of the mind. We illustrate that realm, but we leave most details out. Well, mostly because it is simply impossible to draw every single tree or name every street. But also because, if we leave enough room, the observer can fill the gaps themselves. Build on what is already there, make the map their own.
    I tend to put little snippets of information in my maps that allude to some peculiar place or concept that is not actually portrayed. Mostly, this is done with place names or subtitles that hopefully sound weird and/or fantastical. I often don't have a clue as to the meaning of those words; I just like to hint at something more than what is seen. An example of this is my map Kinebrach Verymensis, which had the words "Antediluvian doctrinaires of abstruse protocol" in it. Other than being a grandiloquent way of saying "Old hoary men who are real sticklers for the rules", it was also a silly little description to give that particular nation some character, albeit in a very minor way. But, with this map, my goal was to take that idea to the nth degree, while also stretching my literary muscles. Certainly there are examples of the same silly descriptions that lack context or utterly defy explanation, but I also elaborate (far too much) on other parts. As is typical of the science fiction genre, techno-babble and neologisms abounds in the text, so I have resorted to italicizing those words, just to emphasize even further that they are mostly nonsense, and that you should take them as such.
    Warning: this "map" probably has the most text of any map ever. If you do not like "reading" in maps, or in general, do "feel" "free" to "skip". There are also some neat-looking planets in it. And some faces. But mostly, this map is about the text.

    Okay, so that's enough of that. Time to go outside now. Oh, wait...

    Note: Because of the restrictions to file size on CG, I had to partition the map into four parts, so as not to lower the image quality to an unacceptable level.

    If you find any spelling errors or grammatical discrepancies in the map, do let me know. My OCD thanks you.
    Last edited by Daelin; 03-21-2020 at 01:01 PM.

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