Hello everyone, I hope you are okay and safe! I'm Umut, humble art director of the DRS Publishing (dreamrealmstorytellers.com)

In 2018 we made our first Kickstarter campaign for our first worldbuilding, Svilland and it was really well.

Last year we had a chance to grow our studio and then we decide to make another KS campaign for Svilland. The new project is about a war between two goddesses of Svilland Hel and Freyja. You can see the cover art below
Duyuru İmajı.jpg

We are happy to pay 350 USD via Paypal or bank wire for the city map that we also need full commercial rights. If you think your work is suitable for this job, we can talk again about the fee we may pay a bit higher.

We want to launch the KS project at the first week of May, so the deadline is a bit short. We need it on the 25th of April.

Here are the style references that we need:

If you are interested in please send me an e-mail umut@dreamrealmstorytellers.com or dreamrealmstorytellers@gmail.com then we can talk more

Thank you very much for your time! I'm so excited to meet you