Sitting like so many indoors right now, so i grabed a old sketch and started to transulate it to 3D:

First the Sketch

First i need to a basic colour scheme and roughout for the land. It once sat on the edge of a old sea, that has long gone and now the palaces main trade is salt from the great flats to the east. (the white boxes are place holders of approx building footprint.

Map Name Day GridLess y0495 x0529.png
with that done its time to start on the Trophy Platform, this structure contains monuments that celebrate victories, and every visitor has to pass them as a reminder of whom they are going to see. and then onward to the main palace.

Map Name Day GridLess y0180 x0366.png

so far so good. proportions look right to preliminary sketch's so onward to main place buildings and older bastions now on the salt lake edge. and probably adapted from defense to lifting.