Heya everyone,

I've finished writing my own original setting and rules system, and have been enjoying playing it with friends and family.
It's a very positive, fun, high fantasy game!

I'm at the point where I want to add art and maps to further bring it to life, and possibly kickstarter it )
I drew a rudimentary world map, which functions fine. But I'm looking into upgrading it with the work of a professional cartographer.

But the main priorities are 3 cities.

First is a relatively "average sized" artsy, cosmopolitan port city, which is home to fantastical academy.
Second is a larger city that's more inland. Comprised mostly of farmers, who tend to various plants and livestock of my world, a little more rough, down to earth.
Third is the largest, a tropical city surrounded by beaches, comfortable, relaxed living.

I'd like to style of the buildings to be a blend of high fantasy, renaissance, art deco, art nouveau, but I'm sure mostly roofs will be seen.
mostly all homes, though some markets, farms, ship ports, theatres, etc.
I'm almost done with a rough layout, so I'll also be able to soon provide the blueprints.

Lastly, they'll only need to be as large as an 8.5x11 inch page, but high resolution of course.
