Hey All,

Been a bit since I have posted, but I have been quite busy and haven't really had the time to do social media stuff!

That aside, I have been working for a number of clients, for DC Comics being one of the prominent ones. Both on their "The Last God" DnD5E supplement which was a blast (I will post those maps soon), and this massive map of the twisted DC universe as seen by Lexx Luthor.

This piece is previewed in Death Metal issue #1 and the full map is featured Death Metal issue #2, here is a link to DC Comics article: https://www.dccomics.com/metal?fbcli...s6POsWsKmBDi3g

The Idea and Execution
I went with a combinations of different styles for this map and did some experimenting. My trademarks are there, but it was interesting going for a more inky look. It was more monochromatic in the beginning, but the art director wanted more color, so I figured I'd push it into "colored" inks territory. I painted in some elements, while leaving others more ink-like, and overall I think it comes together.

The map is of the world ruled over by the Batman who Laughs, a horrible combination of the Batman and Joker. The earth has been rent and twisted by his psyche, and every region forms a different part of the DC universe.

It was interesting doing a non-fantasy fantasy map. They basically just let me take the ball and run with it which is always nice.
Batman Metalverse JB WEB PREVIEW MKI.jpg
Comments and Crits welcome,