Hey there,

I'm trying to create a QGIS project with my world map in order to calculate distances and coordinates correctly for my future maps. I've used G.Projector before, but I've come to realise that I need to keep every image I use in high resolution, and every other program I use distorts my resources. So well, I have the following:

- A complete equirectangular map of my planet (image below):
- Maps of specific continents and regions with more detail, also in equirectangular projection (as they're just cuts from the original map)

As my planet is of a different size than Earth, I know that I need to make a custom CRS for it. I know the total circumference of the planet, and the radius on the equator and the poles (semi/major, semi/minor). So far I've come up with this:

+proj=eqc +a=3509525 +b=3468220 +datum=WGS84 +lat_ts=0 +lon_0=0 +rf=800 +units=m +no_defs
However, I don't think it's correct, but I don't know how to fix it either. I need help with the following:

- How can I make a custom CRS for my planet that actually works?
- How do I georeference the whole equirectangular map then? And how would I georeference the other sections of my map?
- If I were to make a map of a certain region, would I need more custom CRS's in case I wanted to use a different projection for it?

I think I'm going crazy over this, so any help would be greatly appreciated!