I have to participate in this one...I really like the idea, who propose this challenge must be a genious )

So here it goes a little bit of background of my actual D&D campaign:

An ancient civilization of the first era (more or less 7.000 years in the past) disappeared and the only things they left were ruins with few symbols that neither magic could dechiper. One of the characters discovered that he his a descendant of this people, within his vains run a little of the blood of the Ancients.
Now he is in a mission to discover more secret about that civilization, guided by a book he found in a cemetery belonged to them (cemetery of the ancients). The group already visited a series of bridges in a wild mountains area and in each one learned a little bit of the history and powers of the misterious people. They have the gift of magical voice: only saying something, they could manipulate reality, no rituals, no formulae, apparentely no limits apart from harming others beings intentionally.
In the last bridge they found a riddle and a series of stone tablets:

"hide in the depth of our biggest city, lies our biggest treasure. To find it, find the hunting dragon, our enemy in the past, so strong that our god painted it to remember us our limits."

Characters must find the ruins of the ancient city and the "paint" of the hunting dragon. The ruins are in the Kush kingdom, while the paint in reality is a constellation, but in more than 7.000 years, stars are no more aligned as that time, so the group will find a book or parchment that could show them the past skies.

The map will show the constellation and the map of the ruined city, I do not know yet how I wil assemble the two. For now here it is the constellation of the Hunting Dragon (sorry if the point will not be 100% in the position show by Diamond, hope this wil not be a problem)

### Latest WIP ###
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