This is the current version of the map I'm working on. So far I've mostly roughed out my coasts and elevations, currently trying to figure out weather systems/climates. Any advice, critiques, and links to good guides/info about this would be greatly appreciated as well. My goal with this is to build a fully fleshed out world that is accurate and believable. So no outwardly impossible features.

This is my first time doing any kind of world building or cartography but I want this the most detailed I can make it. At the time of the map the world is currently in a global flood, the polar ice caps have melted due to a catastrophic global warming event roughly 10,000 years prior. Mainly using GIMP and GPlates, would love recommendations for better programs to utilize. Already considering switching to something like inkscape instead of GIMP to get greater detail. Thank you in advance for any input.

World map master.png