Hi Im new here, Im mostly interested in traditional art, so fineliners, pencil and maybe some colouring, Im very much interested in everything Pirates related, old maps and I love the leather maps or wooden ones, Im interested in engraving too, I admire middleage artists of all kind and love the novels from this period, aswell as fantasy like classic LoTR, GoT I like even our local fantasy authors, but they lack in quality compare to Martin or Talkien. Im at my 40s with lot of free time to create, so excited to explore this wonderful forum and Im continuously learning and studying new stuff and techniques, my big hobby besides DnD and maps is calligraphy, specifically Blacklettering, Gothic script, I do lots of Bastarda nowadays and trying to learn working with different mediums and tools. Im from Czechia, there is not so huge market for RPG makers, or not well developed so far, so there is plenty to discover and create. Im sorry for my English, as not a native speaker, hope its not troubling You, as mentioned, I continously study, trying to improve. Cheers!