Well, I've been modelling in 3d studio since r2.5. Thats before Discreet owned it I think. So my experience with modelling has been pretty wide-range. The majority of that time was spent doing low-polygon models (characters, placeables, monsters, maps/tiles) for Quake 1, 2, 3 and Neverwinter Nights. I've recently made the switch over to high polygon modelling and still rendering focusing primarily on Mental Ray. For example, the logo up top here (and the wallpaper you'll see in the miscellaneous section) was all done in 3d studio with mental ray.

My current job actually has me making 3d models of aircraft cockpits and airframes for flight simulators for the Navy. I'm currently working on a medium detail V-22 Osprey cockpit. I haven't found a reasonable workflow for 3d modelling yet though...I might develop one and build a city map or somethign in 3d studio just to see if I can do it without an insane amount of work...maybe build up a 3d library of buildings or something...I dunno...Vue 6 would surely be helpful. Where'd you get it?