Hi Alorin!
I think this one should go to Building/Structure Mapping... but in case, a moderator will take care of this. Anyway, I love ancient Rome and I like your map here!

* You can type suninfo and hit enter. A dialog will pop up with all you need to change the global sun
* Open the Sheets and effects dialog (sheetsandeffects.jpg), select from the list the right sheet (background?), tick on activate sheets effects if it isn't already, click Add... and then Texturize, choose a texture you like (you can find a lot of them here or on-line), experiment.

I'm no expert though, so maybe others can give you more hints. I've bought the whole suite, but I decided to go back to PS for now

Anyway, although I like your map here, there are two somawhat related things that I don't like:

- all the shadows are the same. This means that all the buildings and fences etc have the same height. In a map so small this is something that I notice. Fiddling with shadows means you have to have at least three different sheets (fences, small buildings, tall buildings) this way you can assign different length to shadows and maybe have the right dropped shadow on the roofs. I don't know if this last thing is possible with CD3, though.
- Another related thing is the arena. The shadows there seems wrong to me, suggesting two domes one on top of another instead of an arena, but maybe it's just me.

Keep the good work!