I did say I was having trouble with this.

None of the colors are finalized. Although the blue looks pretty good to me on the water. Stands out, but isn't too glaring. Text sizes need to change, too, I think. Ultimately my land colors should be more like Burpwallow, with the hydrography.

I tried scaling heights realistically to the size. I assumed a highest altitude of 14,000 feet and a 600 mile tile size. This was t-t-t-t-terrible. Awful. It was just a long, virtually indiscernible slope up to a barely relieved top and then an equally long, dull, gentle slope back down. <yawn> If I try scaling height so that the slopes look good, it's just far, far too tall, and feels too close in.

The trouble is that the noise is too homogeneous in slope. There is very little variation in slopes between high places and low. This is true even with a ridged simplex multifractal. This is one of many reasons why DEM analysis tools are so flummoxed by synthetic terrains.

I've tried using as square-root filter on the HF, but it flattens the low areas out horribly, and the barrier mountain ridge looks more like a few widely-spaced hillocks with low, gently rolling mudflats in between. Grrrr...