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Thread: My World of Kelleemah

  1. #31

    Wip Dauksunyi

    Just an small update to my world of Kelleemah.

    This is the volcanic island of Dauksunyi, the Gray Silence. Words often have several meanings and this name is no different. It also means desolate or empty, and it fits this place well. For nothing has been seen living on this island larger than an insect. Indeed, not even birds will live in this place.

    It nominally belongs to the elves of Perinusa, but no elves inhabit this island. All who have tried to explore this place have never returned. And, from time to time an empty ship is found in the bay by elven sea patrols. The ships are always found empty and the elves will not board them. They are set on fire and burned.

    There are rough rock markers found along the coast in several places, but no writings have ever been found at these sites; although skulls and bones have. Something hidden lives here, but none are to eager to find out what.

    High Res Version:
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    Last edited by CharlesRobinson; 02-21-2016 at 12:57 PM.

  2. #32

    Wip Experimenting with making a mist in CC3+

    I have been experimenting on creating various special terrain effects such as playing around with rivers and creating a mist effect around types of terrain.

    Here is an updated version of a mist, as it rises from the cold water beneath a glacier in the morning sun.

    Please let me know what you think.
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  3. #33
    Guild Expert snodsy's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2014
    Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky Area


    Love your line work, like the foreground mist, maybe more mist in the next couple valleys the furthest valley is nice as well

  4. #34
    Administrator ChickPea's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2015
    Sunny Scotland


    That's very pretty!
    "We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams"

  5. #35


    Thanks snodsy & ChickPea!

    I really appreciate the nice comments.

    The picture above is my "test" image.

    I am thinking a lot about how best to use the "mist" without going overboard with it.

    I would appreciate any advice you can give.

    Anyone that would like to know how to do this in CC3+ you can view a tutorial that I built on the Profantasy forum at the request of one of its members.


  6. #36


    Just a small update,

    Here is my WIP for Western Sutheimr:

    I have divided Sutheimr into three regions 1) Western, 2) Central, and 3) Eastern.

    Each is about the same size and I am getting closer to finishing the first region of Western Sutheimr.

    I have been working here and there between coursework for my MBA.

    I have done some work on my islands, you can see the upper half of the "Skjaldborg Eylands" island chain, and I have been redoing my rivers to give them a more organic feel.

    I have also been playing around with creating weather effects such as Mist/Fog.

    And, I have been adding and changing some names.

    No big updates, but I am getting closer to updating the realm of Hardrada.

    I am also almost done with the island of Curion that belongs to the realm of Ahelm (Southwestern edge of map).

    Big projects still to be done are the Vindulmark and the Dwarven Ruins of Miniki Angar.

    Realms shown on the map are:
    1. Vagoth (Human)
    2. Vangar (Human)
    3. Batiskakna (Dwarven)
    4. Allhardrland (Vigaferli) - Vigaferli are Atlern from the OSRIC RPG System, Monsters of Myth
    5. Hardrada (Human)
    6. Bergriser (Stone Giant)
    7. Ingvaeon (Human)
    8. Munara Angar (Dwarven)
    9. Grendelkjarr (Humanoid)
    10. Vatndalr (Elvin) - Unnamed valley with two lakes that is north of Grendelkjarr
    11. Halogaland (Human)
    12. Helgrind (Fire Giant)
    13. Ranrike (Human)
    14. Vindulmark (Dragon)
    15. Miniki Angar (Dragon) - Eastern most unnamed/unfinished valley
    16. Perinusa (Elvin) - Skjaldborg Eylands
    17. Ahelm (Human) - Skjaldborg Eylands

    As always - I would love to read your comments - Thanks!

  7. #37

    Default WIP Western Sutheimr

    Here is the low res version:
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  8. #38


    I recently asked for ideas for decorating my ocean area of Kelleemah, on the Profantasy Forum, and one of the great ideas was a mist covered ships-graveyard or a "Bermuda Triangle" like island or set of islands.

    Quote Posted By: "LadieStorm - How about a 'misty, mysterious area' perhaps covered with fog that might hide an uncharted island? Or even an area like the Bermuda Triangle where ships and things disappear? Or perhaps a ships 'graveyard'? Sorry, just throwing things out, here."

    Here is a quick and fun concept design - Click on this link for the high res version of The Shrouded Isle:

    Tell me what you think please. :-)

    The Shrouded Isle!

    The Shrouded Isle is situated in the middle of the Sea of Sheol.

    Sheol is the name given to this area by the Grigori when these lands were sunk beneath the waves by Mephistopheles as the Shedim fled at the end of the last demonic war.
    His legions still guard the Hellgate on Kelleemah's most southern Isle.
    Tens of thousands lost their lives that day as the crippled Asmodai led his armies back to the infernal realms.
    This is what created the Shattered Isles that run along the rim of the Sea of Sheol and decimated the Fey of Kelleemah.

    Although there are many dangerous and magical places within Kelleemah, the Shrouded Isle has become legendary.
    It is far from any other land and has a reputation for oddity.
    Many have gone there looking for treasure, fame, or just to satisfy their curiosity.
    Few have returned.

    What they report is strange indeed.
    The isle is covered by a perpetual mist that burns and irritates the lungs.
    Ships often find themselves assailed by strong storms that whip up without warning, waterspouts with clear skies, sudden whirlpools, and more.

    The famous explorer, Captain Shantay, once led a fleet of six ships to the isle.
    As he came within site of the isle he turned back to his second in command to give him orders, but was speachless.
    Even though it was a clear day, none of his five ships, which were there but moments before, where within site.
    They had simply disappeared and were never heard from again.
    His crew refused to go any further and he was forced to turn back.

    Some have been to the island and made it back to civilization.
    These few have given us some idea of what is upon the island.
    One talked of a great volcano on its northern side.
    Another talked of dangerous sandbars, coral reefs, and rocks that make it dangerous to approach the coast.
    A glowing ghostly green ship has often been spotted, but all have fled in dread.
    Sea serpents have been seen along its coasts and a swamp on one side has been reported to be full of decaying corpses.
    Along the western side there is said to be the ruins of an ancient city, but all who have been there have aged soon after leaving the ruins, becoming old men in mere hours.
    The jungles are dense and full of life.
    The noise from the creatures there often become deafening.
    Nobody has ever came back, that has tried to spend a night on those shores.

    The Shrouded Isle is covered by more than just a mist, it is covered in mystery!
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    Last edited by CharlesRobinson; 03-24-2016 at 08:58 PM.

  9. #39
    Guild Master Josiah VE's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2016
    Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada


    Certainly sounds like a dangerous island... one that I wouldn't want to visit.

    Looks very nice. One thing I noticed right away was the repeating forest, you can see small gaps that make it less natural looking. I don't know what you could do about that, I don't use CC3.

    Maybe make the mist a bit thick? It is after all the shrouded Isle. The story is also interesting, I think a story behind a map always adds to it. Have some rep.

    I offer map commissions for RPG's, world-building, and books

  10. #40


    Thanks Josiah!

    Yes, the repeating jungle pattern is a challenge. My friends and I, on the Profantasy Forum, have not been able to find decent solution neither. I could try adding more "mist" in the large jungle sections though where this is prevalent. A lot of time, especially with fantasy regional maps, it is good to present it with a good story that frames the map in peoples mind. Especially if it has items on the map that may not naturally occur or other things like "glowing ghostly green ships" - LoL!

    Thanks again!

    PS: I checked out your great website. I especially liked the mapping approach that you took for the Dwarven Kingdom. :-)
    Last edited by CharlesRobinson; 03-29-2016 at 01:16 AM.

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