@mat_r: Thank you so much! =)

And here we go again, as promised! This bunch of maps was fun to do for a lot of reasons, you surely see why :D
Upper part left: Some castles and Villages along one of the most important rivers of this particular country. It's important to know where to face the thread from the Weal Mountains.
Upper part right: The destructed part of Zurbarans hideout, a villain players had to face in an earlier version of this RPG about (real!) 25 to 30 years ago :D
Middle part right: The last shippable waters before the eternal ice. There is an overfrozen forest with dark surprises below the ice, waiting to be discovered by foolis... well, BRAVE adventurers. ;)
Lower part right: Some cities and villages - an overview.
Middle below: Haha, this one was fun, too! These are rocks adventurers can save themselves from the lava. As they break away you can mark off the nine fields on the side of each of them. Also, medieval scissors to cut them out for use on the gaming table.

Best wishes, hope you like that bunch, too! =)
