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Thread: Desert Tomb

  1. #1
    Guild Apprentice ARockabillyRhino's Avatar
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    Map Desert Tomb

    Hi all!

    This is my first attempt at making a dungeon map, all hand drawn using Photoshop (except the text, which is Caeldera). I'm pretty happy with the style, and I'm using this in a few days, so I don't think this map will change too much, but if anyone has any tips about color composition, dungeon building tips, etc, I'd love to hear it for next time. I tried to walk the line between filling it with a ton of assets, and leaving room for myself to add thing to it during the game (and just finishing it in time!). Do you think I hit that balance well?


    The map is pretty small (and cramped!) as I am using it as a "get used to the system" like tutorial for a table top game I am starting up. It's the tomb of some ancient rich guy, I'm thinking a dentist or real estate developer.

    A wall falling in a local cave recently uncovered a tomb that was previously long-buried under the desert sand. The person interred within wasn't pharaoh rich, but he was buried with some light, entry-level treasure, a few afterlife body guardians, and his boat. They say the only two good days as a boat owner are the day you have it built by slave labor and the day you are buried with it. Guess we'll have to ask him if that's true.

    The cave itself is steered clear by locals, as it is rumored to be the home of some monster. Few have returned from exploring the cave, but those who have report that it is filled with lifelike statues of the less lucky adventurers. Weird, probably not related to the monster, I don't know.

    Anyways, c&c is appreciated and asked for!

  2. #2


    It's an attractive and effective style. It also looks like you can reproduce it fairly quickly if you've got a lot of maps to reproduce for a game.

    If you're mapping mainly for game, with regards to the pillars in the lower centre room (I'm always happy to see roof supports) - the best thing to do is proportion the room so the supports sit evenly at intersections, or sit evenly in their own squares. You avoid questions like "is there enough room for my character to move there?" and stuff. And whether it provides cover or whatever.
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  3. #3
    Guild Expert Facebook Connected XCali's Avatar
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    Hi! You move fast.
    This is actually a great first at dungeon mapping. Though, I can't help with what is needed for the game in the map. I do feel the whole there is no single direction for light is catching my eye. Maybe try to have your cast shadows only on one side. This would actually give more depth than having it circumvent everything. Also, a touch of core shadows wouldn't hurt the walls.

    I love the artsy touch of the objects on your map. This really is a good map.

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  4. #4
    Guild Apprentice ARockabillyRhino's Avatar
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    Hi everyone!
    Thanks for the quick responses!

    @Larb, yeah, I quickly found a way I could pump these out quickly. Most of the time goes toward dungeon design and towards drawing the assets. I'm historically not an artist so I'm learning all this on the fly. For instance, that boat took me a while to figure out. Before I was just using textures and dundjinni assets to make my maps, but this has been far more rewarding and pretty quick as well! That's good advice with the columns. This map has such small rooms, and I have five players, so I didn't want the room to feel tooooo cramped, but I could see problems arising with how they are not centered.

    @XCali, good to see you again! I actually finished this map about a week ago, and was working on the canyon battlemap after. I have a game that is starting soon and wanted a city map, battlemap, and dungeon map for the first few sessions. Don't tell them this was practice for my new hobby, to see which style I like best! I decided that I'd keep a centered 'light source' for this map, treating it more like a treasure map than a drawing of a scene. I'll spend some time adding some closer core shadows to the wall though and see how that looks.

    Thanks again for the tips, they are so helpful as I'm learning!

  5. #5
    Guild Apprentice ARockabillyRhino's Avatar
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    A quick question for you two or any cg veterans, is there any benefit to reposting any of my finalized maps to the finished map forum? A new audience, different forms of criticism, anything? I just found this board and want to contribute however I can.

  6. #6
    Guild Expert Facebook Connected XCali's Avatar
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    You are most welcome.

    Quote Originally Posted by ARockabillyRhino View Post
    A quick question for you two or any cg veterans, is there any benefit to reposting any of my finalized maps to the finished map forum? A new audience, different forms of criticism, anything? I just found this board and want to contribute however I can.
    If you have already posted a map to the FINISHED MAPS section, just add the updated version of the map to the same Sub thread you posted the original Finished map. I'd say that is the best way to go about it. Also, it is nice that way to see how a map has changed since its first "Finished" posting.

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  7. #7

    Default Nice map. Source of the background layer image?

    I quite like your map.

    Would you be able to tell me where you sourced the background parchment on which the map is drawn?

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