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Thread: Hello!

  1. #1
    Guild Novice NethanielShade's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2021
    Texas, United States

    Default Hello!

    Hello, Guild! I've already made a post with my world map, waiting for it to be approved by the moderators. Figured I might as well make an introduction post, here, too. I'm a long-time worldbuilder who has made several projects and several not-so-great maps for said projects. I've been a D&D DM for around 7 years, and have made some maps for my various campaign settings, and I've been an online roleplayer for longer, making maps for the worlds I've built for those settings.

    The most recent map I'm working on is going to be for a bit of a grander project, a book I plan on actually publishing. As such, I've been pouring lots of time and effort into making a comprehensive world map for all my needs. Here I'll leave a picture of it, but for more information, extra layers to it, and as well as following me posting updates in the future, look for the other thread I made, once it's approved ^^

    Towers of Time unfinished.png

  2. #2

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