Thanks for the kind words, Peter. I think there's definitely some similarity between our approaches, though it sounds like you have way more patience for Wilbur then I do Just about all of my work goes into getting the heightmap the way I want it in Gimp and Wilbur is just the final step to add the highest frequency details / rivers. In any case I quite like your results and always enjoy when you post something new.

Your question about climate is a good one since there's definitely feedback between topography and climate. Far back in this thread--after a few pretty disastrous initial attempts--I got a rough sketch of climates that seemed plausible given a rough idea of what the topography would be. Using that as a guide, I use partial opacity masks to tailor the amount of erosion applied in Wilbur when I do the detailed topography; e.g. wet areas use 100% opacity while putative deserts use something like ~25% opacity. It's an undeniably imperfect approach, and if I had infinite time and patience I could in theory iterate between topography and climate generation, though I'm hoping it captures things well enough to not be immediately offensive I'm also planning to dig into ExoPlaSim once my topography is sufficiently done, so I'll be very interested to see your results since you'll invariably get there before I do!