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Thread: More functionality than photoshop CS4 at a fraction of the price?

  1. #11


    Practice map going really well. This thing has a look and feel so close to PS it's almost uncanny. This is great for me as I don't have to go through a whole new learning process so the learning curve is shallow.

    The only thing I'm missing are the keyboard shortcuts so far.


    The filters that come with it mirror PS filters pretty much - there are a couple of different ones (e.g. page curl - which Paintshop Pro has) - may be useful if you want a map with a page curl I guess. Native filter list in the image below.

    My version shipped with a third party filter set called 'Machine Wash' which specialises in producing a 'distressed' look - perfect for old maps. Haven't been this excited about a new filter since the 'jiggle' filter in Eyecandy. It has 240 effects, each one adjustable.

    So far this is getting 2 thumbs up from me all the way.

    It's also got a screen capture feature which I missed from my paintshop pro days. It looks like these guys have put the best of PSP and PS together....I'm now even more impressed than I was a couple of hours ago. File menu drop down list attached along with what the general interface looks like.

    I'll try to stay objective but I can feel 'fanboi-dom' coming on. Must....avoid...fanboi.
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  2. #12


    OMG the sales pitch was right....and here is where in terms of non-destructive editing this thing excels: You can make 'filter layers' these are adjustment layers with filters applied where you can go back and edit the filters...I think I'm in love!
    Attached Images Attached Images

  3. #13

    Default has a picture brush tool (which PSP has and PS doesn't) and you can import PSP picture tubes with it too...

    You can import .psd files into it. It's not bad. It remembers PS layer styles (in that it converts them but as part of the image and not an editable layer style) and will imoport all the layers separately but not the scaling of pattern fills though.

  4. #14
    Community Leader Facebook Connected Ascension's Avatar
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    That filter layer looks pretty handy as well as the tube.
    If the radiance of a thousand suns was to burst at once into the sky, that would be like the splendor of the Mighty One...I am become Death, the Shatterer of worlds.
    -J. Robert Oppenheimer (father of the atom bomb) alluding to The Bhagavad Gita (Chapter 11, Verse 32)

    My Maps ~ My Brushes ~ My Tutorials ~ My Challenge Maps

  5. #15


    Proof of the pudding though. I'm just making shortcuts to the Alienskin filters and then let's see what it can do.

    Hmm works only for the native filters....but still pretty cool. I use noise a lot in my maps, and this way I can adjust the noise settings at any time.

  6. #16

  7. #17


    Quote Originally Posted by ravells View Post
    OMG the sales pitch was right....and here is where in terms of non-destructive editing this thing excels: You can make 'filter layers' these are adjustment layers with filters applied where you can go back and edit the filters...I think I'm in love!
    Incidentally, Photoshop does have that feature now, too. A filter applied to a smart object becomes a "smart filter," which behaves much like a layer style. I'm not sure when that was introduced, as I skipped from version 7 to CS3.
    Bryan Ray, visual effects artist

  8. #18


    Ah that's interesting. I've got CS2 just tried applying a filter to a smart object and a message popped up saying if the filter was applied the smart object would lose its smart object status and turn into a normal raster layer.

    One big downside for photoplus is that it doesn't have a decent cloud filter which is hugely important for mapping in a realistic style. It's got something called 'plasma' but it's quite pixelly and nowhere near as good as the PS cloud filter. So you'd have to get a third party cloud filter (like Xenoflex) which means more £££. Shame it was going so well!

  9. #19
    Administrator Redrobes's Avatar
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    Make sure all this info gets back to them. A lot of the problem with developing an app is that people use apps differently to the person who is programming it. They might not be into maps the way we are and don't see much need to generate lots and lots of clouds.

  10. #20

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