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Thread: My World of Kelleemah

  1. #131

    Default Kentauros

    These are the sub-regions of Kentauros:
    1. Talivadia
    2. Mavros
    3. Agrios
    4. Tavros
    5. Arkadia
    6. Kerastai
    7. Pheres

    Talivadia, Arkadia, Kerastai and Pheres are the lands of the various races of the Centaurs.
    Kerastai and Pheres used to consist of scrublands, but the expansion of the Dudael (Desert) has shrunk those lands. As such, scholars now list them as being of both Kentauros and Dudael.

    Mavros is the land of the Orcs.

    Agrios and Tavros are the lands of the Minotaur.

    The Centaurs of Talivadia and the Half Orcs of Mavros are reposts. The Centaurs of Arkadia, Kerastai, and Pheres along with the Minotaurs of Tavros and Agrios are new. That brings the total for new characters up to 33. ;-)
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  2. #132


    Man you characters drawings are fabulous. Old style

  3. #133


    Thanks Voolf!

    I use Character Artist 3+ from ProFantasy Software.

  4. #134

    Default Thamud

    These are the lands of the Thamud:
    1. Mada'in Hegra
    2. Dergeh
    3. The Port of Amelak
    4. Athlab
    5. Cemebas
    6. Herdisan
    7. Himyar
    8. The Slave Markets of Hadram
    9. Bira
    10. Xweh
    11. Herixwes
    12. The Port of Selevan
    13. Zemi
    14. Avebela
    15. Berged

    These lands are split into independent Sultanates. All of them belong to the people known as the Thamud. Like the Dwarves, they build their cities within the desert mountains. These lands are enclosed by the Mountains of Agriavouna to the north and west and the Athlab Mountains to the east. This valley is known as Al-Hijr, the rocky place; for many large stones, some as big as a house, litter this valley. Local legends say that the giants once held tournaments here when the world of Kelleemah was still young. Indeed, some say the original tunnels below the mountains were dug by the giants of old. The valley empties out into the lands of the Talivadia and Arkadia.

    Many Dwarves travel to see the cities of the Thamud and settle here. One such Dwarf migrated from the lands of Morland and over many years had built up a strong band of Dwarven mercenaries. Like her, they had all once been the slaves of the Sabine. Some, were even sold here, in the famed slave markets of Hadram. She did not use her own name, but was called by the Thamudian nickname, Lady Herdisan - the Lady of the Caverns. While exploring ancient tunnels below one of the mountains, she and her band discovered a treasure trove from the age of the Giants. With this treasure in hand, she submitted for the right to build a Dwarven city within the valley and was granted such. Now she rules the city named after her, Herdisan, the City of Caverns. She is no longer Lady Herdisan, but Sultana Herdisan - from Slave to Thamudian Queen.

  5. #135


    Hi Charles,

    Really inspirational amount of work you've done here. Between maps, characters and background it really is impressive not just in terms of scope but in quality, too.

    Love the old-school feeling to your maps btw.

    Thanks for posting

  6. #136


    Thanks Weery! :-)

  7. #137

    Default Dudael

    The largest region in Kelleemah is the great desert of Dudael. It used to encompass the central area of this region, but with the mysterious loss of three main rivers that flowed from the central Zagros mountain range, the desert has gradually expanded. Know one knows what caused these rivers to dry up, but it devastated the whole entire region. It devastated the Lehabim, but also had a great impact on the Hyskos, Aleatash, Kerastai, and Pheres sub-regions as well. Other regions were affected to a lesser degree but he inhabitants were easily able to adapt. These were the Mahkum, Ravi Naagon, and Ardhimbaya.

    These are the sub-regions of Dudael:
    1. Aleatash
    2. Ardhimbaya
    3. Hyskos
    4. Kerastai
    5. Lehabim
    6. Mahkum
    7. Pheres
    8. Ravi Naagon

    Aleatash is far to the south and the people have a thriving trade culture between the Centaurs of Kerastai, the Janan Kingdom of Panchala, and the Ku****e tribes of the northwestern Kush which are dominated with hills, scrubland, and savannah. The Aleatash are also chief suppliers of slaves to both the Jana and the Thamud. Some say that the Aleatash have even purchased slaves from the Gnolls of Ardhimbaya and their Flind overlords.

    Ardhimbaya are a range of hills along the southeastern borders of the Dudael and the Ku****e lands to its south. They are ruled by their Flind Overlords and serve as mercenaries and slavers.

    The Hyskos lives in the eastern desert and there hills. They trade and raid the Badar to their east and the Kush to their south. They also act as guides for those who wish to traverse the southern desert of Dudael.

    Kherastai and Pheres are Centaur realms and share their lands with the Ketauros region.

    The Lehabim were devastated by drought and their cities and settlements fell to ruin and were mostly abandoned. Their civilization dots the landscape of Dudael. Pyramids, Necropolisis, Cities, Temple Complexes and more are choked with sand and dust. Evil has moved into these lands and what few survivors that still call these lands home must scrape and fight for everything that they have.

    Mahkum was once a Thamudian city that acted as a part of the trade route into the lands of the Lebahim and eventually to the lands of the Badar in the east. It is overran now with all manner of evil beings and is ruled by the Afreet known as Rabblnnar.

    To make the desert even more dangerous, the Ravi Naagon (the Sun Serpents) also dwell in this region. They have taken up residents in many of the ruins. In addition, the Troglodai dwell within the caverns beneath the earth, the legendary city of Shisr and its ghouls is said to have been consumed by the sands, the Shedim fortress of Golgothus disappears each morning and reappears each dusk in a different location, the evil Grigori of Mount Hermon is located in the western Zagros mountain range, the Cult of Set have fled the lands of the Badar and now dwell within the Lehabim ruins, and some say that the Zagros has become the dwelling place of the "Never Living God".

    To top everything off; the followers of the Grigori known as Azazel seeks to bring about the end of the world.

    This is the land of the sands, thirst, and bones!

    * New cultures depicted are now at 38 and consists of the Lehabim, Hyskos, Aleatash, and the Ravi Naagon.
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    Last edited by CharlesRobinson; 04-30-2017 at 04:07 PM.

  8. #138

    Default World Map

    World Map

    I still have the templates to do for the following regions:
    1. Badari
    2. Kush
    3. East Makara
    4. West Makara
    5. The Shattered Isles
    6. Pulauranah
    7. Sutheimr
    8. Mehteh
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    Last edited by CharlesRobinson; 05-06-2017 at 05:59 PM.

  9. #139

    Default Badari

    These are the sub-regions of the Badari:
    1. Aethiopia
    2. Alssahra Aleulya
    3. Alynabie
    4. Ard Alqasb
    5. Wokou

    Ard Alqasb and Aynabie were the lands controlled by the god Osiris while Alssahra Aleulya was controlled by his brother, Set. During the Faith Wars, a bitter civil war was fought between the brothers. Set had the advantage in numbers for he not only had the Badari that served him, but promised the Aethians to the south that they would be able to rule their own lands, hired Hyskos mercenaries, allowed in Lehabim refugees who fought for him in return for land, and paid the Wokou Pirates to harass the the coasts. In the end, Osiris was killed and all of these lands fell to Set; the god of the desert, storms, disorder, violence, and foreigners.

    But the Priest's of Set betrayed the Lehabim and enslaved them; they treated the Aethians with disdain and taxed them heavily, and even oppressed their own people. May of Set's allies among the gods abandoned him. During the time of the Chess Wars, a new god was born and hidden within the region of Ard Alqasb, He was but a baby and had only a few followers. As a lesser god, he was constantly hunted by the Priesthood of Set. A loyal cult of followers constantly moved him from one safe haven to another and an elite bodyguard of the most faithful and mighty was created to protect him. As the god child grew, so did his army.

    Upon his 13th birthday, the god child known as Horus and his army was ready. Many of the Badari were eager to revolt against Set's priesthood, a secret alliance with the Aeithians was formed, and weapons were smuggled to the Lehabim slaves. Thanks to the Grigori, the greater gods were no longer allowed to directly wage war within Kelleemah. The Priests of Set found themselves facing enemies from every quarter. In the end, most of the Priests of Set were slaughtered and what few remained fled to the many ruins of Dudael. Horus declared himself the Pharaoh of the lower river and it's delta, known as Servet. The rest of the lands were divided among the people and ruled by the Nomarchs. Most of the lands went to the Badari, but some were given to the Lehabim as well. In addition, self rule of the lands of the Aethians were formally acknowledged. But in return, all of the people of these lands were required to only worship the Badarian Pantheon.

    The Wokou pirates stayed out of the Chess Wars and were pirates and opportunistic raiders. The Wokou consists of various peoples to include, the Namun, Wazi, Yangshow, Badari, Lehabim, Hyskos, and the Kush.
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  10. #140

    Default Lilith

    Lilith, the Tortuous Serpent

    Lilith is a Goddess of Death. Although she is considered a Shedim, she and her kind only came to this world during the 3rd Shedim War and instead of joining the Shedim, she joined Samyaza who fought against them. She went her separate ways during the Faith Wars but became one of the goddesses that were worshipped by the monstrous kin of this world. Her followers are strong and have carved out their own realms during the time of the Chess Wars. It is speculated that the Grigori came from the same world as Lelith, for they knew of Lelith and her children.

    "Her gates are the portals of death, and from the entrance of the abode she sets out for Sheol.
    None of those who go to her will ever return, and find again the paths of life."

    Lelith has three daughters, demi-gods begat by the first murderer of mankind, a man known only as Cain. They are Agrat, the Mistress of the Dark Arts; Eisheth, the Eater of Souls; and Na'amah, the Plagues of Mankind. Agrat has worshippers among the hags, the matriarchs of the Goblin tribes, necromancers, Kegalapan Elves, and various cultists (Especially as one of the mystery cults within the lands of the Sali). Eisheth stayed with the Grigori and became the consort of Sathariel. She now leads the Sheireil as Sathariel's general. According to legends, Na'amah is said to be the mother of many of the monstrous kin in this world and that they are her plagues against mankind. Some say, that she has joined the followers of Azazel to help bring an end to this world.


    The Father, Council of the Hvitalfr, Lord of Destiny, and the Patron Saint of Orphans.

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