Hello !

For my last map, I tried to fellow the famous tutorial of J. Roberts (here)

I had many surprises, as I had never tried to fellow this tutorial before... and some things (as colors) were not as I expected.

So, after having finished my map (there) I decided to make a short, little and simple map, fellowing step by step the tutorial (I took the same parchment), to be sure to understand well his technique. That made my day ! I still will try to add a frame and some labels tomorrow

So, I can ask no credit in this map, it's all the work of J. Roberts, but I'm glad to have such good teachers to learn me to make maps ! Here it is :

Fort Ste Catherine.jpg

(the map is remotely inspired by a fort (à la Vauban) which was destroyed in 1601, just near my home... but it's really far from the reality)