Quote Originally Posted by Eilathen View Post
Thanks for the kind words, kacey.
I don't post more because as of now, there are no more handdrawn maps. I have neglected that for a long time now.

Funny you should mention patience...because that is what i also envy in you guys...i always give up with PS or Gimp long before i can make a map that looks acceptable. Fortunately for me, my friend has more patience for such electronic tools. I like what he has done so far with that map you mentioned.

So, if i am completely honest, i'd trade your skill with PS for my patience with pen and paper in a heart-beat

Anyway, that's way off-topic. Hope you'll find back to your motivation for this map here, because i'd love to see a finished version
PS, and Gimp definitely have a steap learning curve, I've been playing around with both of them for a few years now, and still have so much more to learn. There's some great tutorials here at the guild, and tons on YouTube, and Deviant art. Do you have PS or Gimp on you're computer? And if so, have you tried following along with any tutorials? You can learn a lot screwing up you're first attempts.