So, one of the maps that I have been hankering to draw comes from a book I read where there was mention of a city ruin on an island. It intrigued me to imagine the island, and then what the ruin would look like. After a bit of google efforts and drawing out the island, from an aerial perspective, I am wondering how to highlight or spotlight the portion where the ruin would be, and to best illustrate the scene with a druid and a swordsman battling one another.

I can't post pictures yet (I think anyway...haven't tried), and I don't want to unnecessarily spam the forum with links to external sites, so in a bit of a quandry as to how to best explain with words, what kind of look this is. Hopefully the word spotlight helps to explain what I mean about bringing attention to the ruin within the city, within the island so the viewer can get all three senses of scale (island, ruin, and the courtyard within the ruin).

Anyone tried or done this sort of thing before?