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Thread: Ancient City WIP

  1. #1

    Default Ancient City WIP


    Taking a break from my fantasy world maps, I have decided to try a fantasy city map inspired by ancient middle eastern cities. I hope to reach a stage of completion where I will be able to print it at a decent size (maybe A2?) so any criticisms on what would/wouldn't look good for print would be more than welcome as I haven't printed any maps yet.

    I realise some lines need tidying and such, but any other comments and criticism at this stage would be much appreciated - for example, would the colours look good once printed? Is the contrast ok? Line thickness?

    I have the two other mount-type areas drawn in reddish-brown at the minute, but perhaps I will also make them white as I think that ended up looking quite good, but please say if you think otherwise!

    Many thanks!

    City Map.png

  2. #2




  3. #3
    Guild Grand Master Azélor's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2008


    I haven't printed many maps so I can't tell exactly how to proceed. Your printed map is going to be slightly larger than what we can see on the preview of the map.
    And it doesn't look too bad.
    But I think you do need more contrast. We can't see the smaller buildings/roads very well.

    Plausibility wise, I do have a problem with some of the towers. I could get the scale wrong, so maybe the problem is not that big.
    Those bordering the gatehouses are very badly positioned. They have a very wide dead angle which reduces their usefulness considerably. The gatehouse is right next to them and block their line of sight.

  4. #4


    Thanks - I will certainly try playing with the contrast.

    As for the towers, they were added more for their aesthetic value than any consideration of plausability so I am not too concerned at the minute. My main aim is for the final thing to look nice enough to hang on a wall.

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