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Thread: Edrasta

  1. #1

    Map Edrasta


    I am working on the world Edrasta for several months now. The following pictures show the results I could achieve so far.
    I mainly worked on the informational base, just visually creating what is absolutely necessary to show the different terrains of the world.
    But I also tried my luck with wilbur to not just make nice mountains, but create realistic rivers.
    Since Wilbur does not show biomes, though, I need to merge my both works together so that I have a map that combines both the topographic beauty and shows the biomes.
    One could say I want to go for a satellite map style, which would be nice but is not true. My ambitions are not that high right now. But still.... I want to beautify the map, so here is what I did so far:

    The grey physical map:
    This is the grayscaled result of wilburs work, combined with the waterlayer which I put in because I disliked the just gray plains of nothing^^
    I'd like to recreate the ocean floor lateron though. (It just consists of sketches I needed for biome placing)

    The biome map:
    This is the plain biome map. I failed to create my own colourpalette, so I used the one that came with the map application of minecraft "AMIDST"

    The legend for the biome map:
    biom Farben.png
    And this is the colourpalette I used as a picture. All rights to this colourpalette go to the creators of AMIDST

    The physical and biome maps merged:
    Here is the result I got when I blured the biome map a bit and made it an overlay onto the gray physical map. It kinda looks nice but is nowhere near the endresult I want to have.

    I also tried to mix it with satelite textures but got no usable result at all. So do you have any clues for me right now? I really could use some fresh ideas^^

    EDIT: I am also open for complete new ideas for mapstyles. With my material I have kinda set in stone what is where. I just need something to visualize it. I am open to try out different stuff.
    I used Photoshop CS6 btw.
    Last edited by Rwexler; 08-04-2018 at 03:08 PM.

  2. #2
    Guild Grand Master Azélor's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2008


    We have log in to see the pictures and even after logging in, it said the file did not exist.

    It's really simpler to upload the files here.

  3. #3


    Allright! I will upload it here. Thanks for the advice!

    Edit: Did that now!
    Last edited by Rwexler; 08-04-2018 at 03:09 PM.

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